
Nine Good Reasons To Use McCullough Corp.

To Help You Get Rid Of Your Excess Inventories


  1. Don’t let your salesmen waste their time selling anything but your best products at the best prices
  2. Who do you give a deal to? Your best Customer? Your worst Customer? Your biggest Customer? A new Customer?Who will get mad and who will be happy?
  3. What is your cost to keep dead goods in your warehouse?
    1. $25.00 Per Square foot/per year
    2. $50.00
    3. $75.00
    4. More – Lots More.

    Your costs may include rent, insurances, cost of goods, labor, vehicles, loss of investment cash, and a hundred other items that may or may not show on your bottom line.

  4. Gets old products out of your warehouse and out of your normal channels of distribution. You sell your strongest and best products.
  5. Should current customers buy your surplus goods, they will not have bought them from you.We can tell customers that the source of these goods are from freight damaged goods, buy-backs, bankruptcy, or some other venue if necessary.
  6. Why give your customers any idea of your costs or how low you might sell your goods for.
  7. Get rid of your dead goods and move on.
  8. Keep customers from seeing any of your mistakes.
  9. Buy-backs can be sold away from your regular markets so as not to cut sales of your profitable products.

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